Obvious benefits have been:
🌸 make-up which looks natural, with quick and easy guidance in how to apply;
🌸 a new wardrobe ranging from casual to occasion-wear, in colours and styles that suit my colouring and body shape, and which can easily be dressed up or down;
🌸 accessories, jewellery, scarves, shoes, boots and coats to complement my clothes
🌸 some fantastic photos for my album cover
🌸 an introduction to a hairdresser who understands the challenges of middle age, a better (low maintenance) hairstyle, and some help with styling it myself;
More importantly, I have also gained:
"Suzie is better than a gin and tonic on a bad day!!
A massive thank you for being kind, inspirational, supportive and genuinely lovely. My time with Suzie was invaluable. I now have a great wardrobe with colourful clothes all on matching hangers (very satisfying). I have learnt to dress to my strengths, embrace my best bits and laugh at the less good bits. I now know about body shape, confidence and styling. I have a gorgeous and comprehensive new range of make up and have learnt how to apply it properly! She has made me step out of my comfort zone (jeans and t-shirts) and I now have wide legged animal print trousers and lots of compliments to go with them".
~ Michelle, Ely
"I had an amazing journey with the fabulous Suzie.
A styling update had been on my bucket list for ages, a friend told me that every woman would benefit from an overhaul, once they hit fifty. I was scared initially, not used to spending big lumps of money on myself, but went into it viewing it as an investment in me.
I found the colours that work best for me are shades I'm naturally drawn to, but now I have the confidence to actually wear them. The wardrobe shuffle was like a weight gone, cleared of things I didn't like or wear. I love the beauty of having all my new clothes arranged by colours, it looks so put together. I wanted an easy make-up routine that was quick to do and really enjoy using the different brushes and feel pampered as they cross my face.
Suzie took me from drab and stuck... to colourful, groomed and stylish.
I'm still me, but now I'm enjoying being me".
~ Rowan, Wilburton
"Working with Suzie has been a revelation for me, going through the process was really exciting.
I hadn’t enjoyed my clothes since before I had my children. I’d completely lost my way and my confidence in making choices for myself was very low. Now, for the first time in years I feel like me, and finally have a wardrobe in place that works. I now look like the person I’ve always been, but didn’t know how to show it".
~ Nicky, Cambridge
" I can’t thank Suzie enough for what she has done for me and my business.
Picture a woman in her late 50’s, wandering around the shops, not knowing what to buy, feeling awkward in whatever she was wearing. She felt very low and had no confidence in the way she looked. That was me before working with Suzie. She managed to uncover the image that I wanted to project to the world which had been hidden for decades.
Somehow, she just got me. I was amazed how there wasn't anything she chose that I didn’t really like! If no one is complimenting you, then this styling transformation is for you".
~ Christine, Willingham
"I wanted a change - a fresh, new look that suited me and didn’t know where to start. I know cutting off long hair isn't always the answer, but it had been that length for as long as I could remember. It felt lifeless and dragged me down. I wanted to just go for it. I'm so thrilled with my new look, that I can't believe it's me looking back at me in the mirror".
~ Katie, London